Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How to edit PDF without PDF editor?


Imagine that you are a lawyer who received a contract from your co-worker in PDF format and find there are several crucial items need to be modified. You do not have the original copy in word and your coworker is now on a vacation you cannot even connect him now. The contract is urgent, then what to do next?

Generally, there are two methods to edit PDF files nowadays: editing in PDF editor, converting PDF to Word.

Editing in PDF Editor

Editing in PDF editor maybe the first thought occurred to many of us, actually it is not easy as it sounds to be. First of all, you must have a PDF editor in advance, but mostly of them are quite expensive. Take Adobe Acrobat Professional for example, it charges more than $200 which may exceed your budget. Secondly, you need to take time to learn all the features of the software and know how to use it. Some people find that Adobe Acrobat Professional is too complicated. You may spend a lot of time finding the options which can track and highlight spelling mistakes. However, you can easily do it in Microsoft Word automatically. Lastly, you may download a PDF file with author password. The author set to restrict others from copying, editing or printing. You still cannot edit the file without the right password.

Converting PDF to Word

Another way is converting PDF to Word. You can convert a PDF file to Word and then edit in Word. Almost everyone has a Word processing and knows how to use it efficiently. Editing in Word is much easier than in PDF editors.

What you need is a good PDF to Word converter to achieve your goal. When selecting it, the first thing you consider is conversion quality. You need to convert all the elements, not only text, but also images, tables, hyperlinks or even equations. Then you can edit whatever you need. The second is all the elements converted in word, like image needs to be editable. Some PDF converters convert PDF to a merged image in word. All the images are locked to the background. Then you still cannot edit it well.

There are many PDF converters in the market. As criterions mentioned above, I would like to recommend two good PDF converters:

Free PDF to Word Converter

HelloPDF is totally free, although you may be asked to answer the complicated math question to get a just-for-once registration code. After a period of time, it happens every time before your conversion.

PDF Converter with restriction remover

PDF to Word is not a free tool. But it has restriction remover feature. Sometimes the PDF files downloaded from Internet have restriction to prevent others from copying, editing, and printing. You need urgently for research or other noncommercial use. However, it may be impossible to contact and ask for the permission. Thanks to this PDF converter, you can solve the dilemma easily. You can download and install it for a free trial.

Converter Word to PDF Back

Finally don not forget to convert Word to PDF again. There are many online free creators that are fairly simple and cost-free. There is a better way. If you have Microsoft Word 2007, you can use plug-in in word 2007, which allow you to save as PDF.

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